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Monday, January 18, 2010

Not Me Monday ~ January 18, 2010

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This week two of our three vehicles did not take turns breaking down.  I'm sure glad of that.  I would hate that!

My husband, therefore, did not have to try to figure out what part to buy for my son's car, and thus, did not call me to ask for the Vehicle Identification Number.  I did not go down into out "Titles" file to find the title missing.  Therefore, I did not have to send my 10-year-old, Dode Man, out to First Born's Car to get his proof of insurance.  Dode Man did not then grab nasal spray, instead of the car key, and go out to get the paper.  He then did not get distracted and start playing with his sisters outside while I waited for him to come back so I could tell my husband, who was still on the phone, the number. 

I did not check outside to see what was taking so long, get upset, and then stomp off to my room to get my shoes on so I could go do it myself.  This is a good thing, because, I might have WHACKED MY POOR FINGERS, YES THE SAME ONES MY SONS DID NOT SMASH IN THE DRAWER TWO WEEKS AGO, on my bedroom door.  I did not scream like a maniac.  Again.  Boy, am I glad that did not happen, or my pinky might still be sore today.  AND, my husband might have hung up!

Then I did not realize that while there was nasal spray on my mantle, my son had taken both his keys to school.  I did not then search my purse for a second copy of the proof of insurance and come up empty handed. 

I also did not, later in the day, find copies of our insurance papers right on the bookshelf, and I certainly did not, while searching for something else, find a second copy of my son's proof of insurance in my purse yesterday at the grocery store. 

Boy, I'm so happy these kinds of things don't happen to me! 


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