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Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hey, did you see my poll in the sidebar? Please check it out!

Hi there everyone! I am going to be starting something new soon. Actually, I am starting a lot of new things. I need to exercise and lose weight. I have a couple of friends that I used to team up with on SparkPeople, and I plan to get back with that. I also am part of an accountability group with my co-op, and now I am going to team up with my "Bloggy Buddies," all in an attempt to get my rear in gear and get in shape!

I have to laugh, though, at the title of the meme. Fit Mommys. Ha! Well, not me! I am far from fit. I often HAVE fits, but that's another story. For people like me, it should be called Fit Mommys Wannabes. Oh, well. Not my meme, not my biz to name it! LOL (BTW, the gal that started the meme is the most lovely and fit woman you'd ever want to know, my cyber-pal Denise.) Anyway, you can't join my SparkPeople group, it's private. If you are part of my co-op, you're welcome to join our co-op group, but for the rest of you, why not click on the button above and check it out.

I am a beginner. I am only committing to doing SOMETHING every day. If I do one jumping jack, it will be more than I usually do. I am also going to cut out sweets for the most part, allowing myself one small portion, or taste, a day.

So, those are my lofty goals. The sad thing is, I'm not being sarcastic here. For me, these ARE lofty goals! But, as they say, beware of small beginnings. (And in my case, beware of large [rear] ends!)


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