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Friday, May 19, 2017

School's Out for Summer!

We officially ended our school year today! Of course, that doesn't mean we're actually done. LOL What it does mean is that I am done sitting down with them and doing our "together" school. We still have a few review items we're working on, and Bear still has some history and math to work on, but we no longer have set school hours and life is a whole lot freer. Oh, and of course we will still do Bible study. :)

I have a grad this year, so right now my main focus is on getting his graduation party planned and everything purchased. I really do not enjoy planning parties. LOL I am good at it, though, I have to admit. This is our thirteenth big party that we're throwing, and honestly, they are all just about the same. So, it's cool. I got his.

You might have noticed that I never did post anything about the cleaning project goals I made for myself. Well, I that's because I honestly never did them. I will get to them eventually. I think. We keep talking about moving. We have lived here 26 years and that scares me, but maybe it would be a good thing to clear some things out. Of course, we talk about moving all the time, but we never do. Who knows. :)

Anyway, hope everyone else's school year is going smoothly and that you're finishing things up, too. We have done really well this year and among other things, finished two math books, two science books, learned tons of new ASL signs and went through all of Genesis and most of Exodus. Who knew how easy homeschooling could be with just two children to teach. (Yes, technically three, but Dode was pretty much on his own.) I just hope next year is just as easy. Yeah, maybe I should get around to planning that. LOL

Here's to a great summer!


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