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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Book Review! Bessie's Pillow: A Young Immigrant's Journey

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Review Crew

Strong Learning, Inc.

Bessie's Pillow

About the product/service: 
As part of the Homeschool Review Crew, I received a free copy of the book Bessie's Pillow: A Young Immigrant's Journey by Linda B. Silbert from Strong Learning, Inc. This is the story of a young girl named Bessie who travels to America from Lithuania during a time when being a Jew was very dangerous. It is biographical and follows her through her entire life. This book is a real, hold-in-you-hand paperback book, though it can also be purchased as a Kindle e-book. It is available in both English and Spanish. 

I gave this book to my daughter, Bear, who is 15 (almost 16!) and who is currently my most avid reader. She loved it. As a matter of fact, she read the whole book in just one day! She even posted about it on her Instagram account. 

First, I love these kinds of books. I love history, but not just facts and dates; I love the people. That's why I have used a lot of biographies and historical fiction in my homeschool. This book was fantastic. Immigration is a huge topic right now, and it's great to be able to let my daughter delve into the topic in a way that was so interesting. She loved following the life story of Bessie, a young Jewish woman from Lithuania who came over to America in 1906, on her own, when she was just 18 years old. 

Here's a quick plug from Bear:

"I loved the book, and couldn't put it down. It was so interesting to me to learn about the struggles the Jews went through, not just in Lituania, but here in the United States. Although I didn't feel anything in it was inappropriate for younger children, I would say it's most appropriate for kids in junior high and high school and adults. I would highly recommend it!"

Another really cool thing is that even though the book easily stands alone, there is a ton of really cool information on the Strong Learning website that really brings the book to life. There are photos of Bessie's family and other related photos, there is information on topics such as health concerns of the time, what music and movies were popular, the common foods eaten, and so much more. I could easily see someone using this book as a foundation for a unit study. It has been very thoroughly researched and documented. I really am impressed. Check it out at Bessie's America. 

Price: $15.00 paperback (Discounts available for bulk purchases.)/ $3.99 Kindle

Twitter:  @BessiesPillow

Click below to see what my fellow reviewers had to say:

Bessie's Pillow {Strong Learning, Inc. Reviews}

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you Bear for your great review! So glad that you and your mom enjoyed my grandmother's story and learned much about the world she lived in through the book and Bessie's America.

    Dr. Linda


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