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About the product/service: As part of the TOS Homeschool Crew I received four free samples of YUCK! from Buckets-O-Fun. What is Yuck? Well, it's some weird stuff, let me tell ya! LOL There are four kinds of Yuck: Chunky, Saucy, Snowy, and Sticky. Basically, it comes as a white powder and you it buy in one, five, or 50 pound buckets. You simply add water and you get, well, yucky stuff! Words cannot explain, so check out these pics! :)
What are the pros of this product? Well, it's certainly different! I suppose even the most reluctant schooler will jump at the chance to try this! LOL If you're real clever, you can make it a science project. These products are made of polymers, and come with some interesting information if you're into that kind of thing. :)
I only got a very small amount of each kind of Yuck, but if you purchase a pound or more there are all kinds of interesting crazy, messy games you can play with this stuff. They actually suggest putting a little Saucy Yuck into a water balloon or squirt gun. As matter of fact, they actually sell Yuck accessories on the Buckets-O-Fun website. (Oh, and I should mention, they actually sell all sorts of crazy stuff like finger rockets, 8 ft. beachballs, and rubber chickens! LOL I always wondered where you could get a rubber chicken. Okay, not really, but it's kinda good to know. Just in case.)
What's not to like? Well, it's messy. You have to be really careful not to get it everywhere. I would say, this is best used outside.) Also you CANNOT put it down the drain or you'll likely be sorry. Remember, the stuff expands in water. Probably not a good pick for a cleanie or one who does not enjoy messy, slimy, gooey stuff. My friend was over when my kids made the Sticky Yuck, and she was completley grossed out. My kids, on the other hand loved it. LOL
Ever washed a disposable diaper or one of those potty training pants in your washer? You know all those little gel balls that get everywhere? (Don't ask me how I know.) Well, I'm pretty sure it's basically the same stuff. NOT fun to clean up if you get it everywhere. So just be careful. Also, germs can live in it, so keep that in mind. Please read all the instructions that come with Yuck VERY carefully before you use it.
And please DON'T EAT IT!!!
The Crazy Mom take: Needless to say, this was interesting stuff. I am glad I didn't get buckets full! LOL The tiny little packs we got (about the size of a sugar packet) were plenty enough for me. Because my kids are all messies like me, I wouldn't trust us with any more than that. As it was, it was a challenge to keep them from getting it everywhere. Some did end up on the floor, and it's kinda hard to pick up. LOL
I did have them read the info that came with it. I don't know whether they really learned anything from it or not. Because we aren't doing chemistry right now, it's not really relevent to anything we're doing. My idea was really to just let them have some fun and check it out for review at the same time. Fun was had, though I wish now I'd have had them make it outside. They did end up making quite a mess, but we did get it cleaned up and we survived.
The kids mostly liked the Sticky Yuck. Personally, I liked Snowy Yuck because though it looked like snow, it was nice and warm. I joked to the kids that it was "Global Warming Snow." You know, if snow felt like that, I would really like winter a whole lot more!
So what's my final take? I'm not sure! It was fun, but I'm not sure I'd want to buy it just for my family. It does seem to be marketed to bigger crowds. I mean, I can't even imagine how much of this stuff a 50 gallon bucket would make! It would be fun for a large event, but it isn't exactly fun to clean up. You can't just throw your clothes in the washer, everything has to be thrown out. Well, not your clothes, I just mean the Yuck has to be thrown out. LOL The paperwork said it is biodegradable and can simply be thrown in the garden, but I did wonder if animals would eat it. I'm guessing no, but I was sure to put it in the trash in a can.
So, I dunno. I think it is fun to play with, would be a blast to have at a large event, but I think I'll avoid volunteering for clean up! LOL
Happy playing!!!

What's the bottom line? $16 - $20 per one pound bucket. Larger quanties are also available. Get the same free samples I got by writing
I am going to give Yuck 3 out of 5 smileys!!!

Check it out! http://www.buckets-o-fun.com/index.html
See what my fellow TOS Crew members have to say @
*The Smiley System:

Disclaimer!!! I reviewed this product because I am a member of The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Crew. I was given the product by the vendor to use and evaluate in my home so that I might share my insights with others. Other than receiving the product, which I kinda have to to be able to assess the product, I am not compensated for my reviews in any way. I am in no way obligated to give a positive review. I do try to point out negatives when I see them, though I am admittedly a pretty easy going gal! What you read are my honest assessments of the products I receive.
As with all products, you must do the research before buying. Please visit the the other crew members' blogs, the vendor websites, and any other review sites you might find before buying. I can't guarantee that a product will work for you. You must decide what will fit with your teaching style, and your child(ren)'s learning style(s). I do not judge anything other than the educational value of the products I review. I am not qualified to make judgements as to the safely of any product, and I make no guarantee that the products I review are safe for you, your family, or anyone else. I am simply giving my opinion; only you know what is best for you and your family.
Don't use your blow dryer while you sleep or take a bath. Don't read my reviews in the tub either, and please do not read them when you are asleep, though I do not guarantee that you won't fall asleep reading them!
Copyright 2010 Ramblings from the Crazy House 2

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