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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Making of a Man

Sunday we had a big birthday party for Dode Man.  It was his 13th birthday!  (I now have FIVE teens, yikes!)  Anyway, the 13th is special in our family.  That is when our boys are expected to start becoming men!  (And our girls women, of course.)

We rented a hall and invited our extended family and and anyone special in our Dode's life.   He had his best friend Luke and his family, his neighborhood buddy and his mom and sister, a few kids from church, and three from our co-op.  We also invited the children's pastor, the youth pastor, and the pastor who baptised him.  A couple of the older men from church he likes to talk to even came.  Of course there were aunts, uncles, and cousins.  Unfortunately three our of four of his grandparents weren't feeling well and couldn't make it, but they were there in spirit.  We even had food which we never have at parties!  LOL  (It's all I can do to get the cake frosted most of the time.)  We had mostaccolli, sloppy joes, Sane Man's favorite subs, pasta salad, potato salad, cheese and crackers and a veggie tray.  Oh, and cake! 

After we ate, my husband spoke for a few minutes about what he expected from Dode Man now that he was a young man.  He presented him with a compass engraved with the scripture Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.  I think that was where he was supposed to present him with his first adult Bible, but he forgot!  (He got it later that evening at home!)  Anyway, the compass is to remind him of the path he should take in life. 

Then his Uncle John, who is also a pastor, came up and spoke for a few minutes and encouraged Dode in his walk with God.  He was followed by the children's pastor, the youth pastor, his brothers First Born and Renaissance man, and and one of the older men.  Then Sane Man called me up and we prayed for him.  Then we sang and had cake!

I thought I would share this because I think it's so important to encourage our young men to be men!  It seems like no one even expects kids these days to man up until they are in their late 20s, if then.  Dode couldn't wait to start reading his Bible this morning, and he's been on his best behavior for the last two days.  Will it last?  I doubt it.  I'm sure he'll slack off a little, but now he knows what we expect of him, and we know he is capable. 

Is there anything you do when your child starts to grow up?  I'd love to hear about it!

Happy parenting!


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