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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hello from Crazy Mom!!!

It has dawned on my that I haven't posted any "personal" posts in quite so time, so I just thought I'd take a moment to say hello!

I know I have a lot of new readers, so I thought I'd tell you a little about myself.  Well, first of all I am a Christian.  :)  I am also a homeschooling mom of eight.  Well, technically a homeschooling mom of only seven as I graduated my oldest son, First Born, last year.  He is currently in Africa on a two month mission trip. 

I have five other boys,  Renaissance Man, who is one of those kids who is good at everything.  Music. Sports.  Computer Programming.  You name it, he can do it.  Well, not keep his room clean or get himself up in the morning, but pretty much anything else!  LOL

Mr. Personality is my social one.  He love to talk about just about anything, but he likes to go for those "forbidden" topics you are not supposed to bring up in polite conversation.  Yes, religion and politics!  LOL

Woggit is my not-so-social one.  He hates attending large events and would rather curl up with a good book or play on the computer if only he wouldn't keep getting grounded off of it for going on it before doing his chores.

Dode Man is all energy.  The kid never stops moving.  He's ten and quite a handful, but a real lovable little guy.

Baber is my youngest child.  He is adorable.  He has no intention of blending into the background, and is very adept at making his opinions known.

Then there are the two sweet girls, Princess and Bear.  They are both girlie and I love it.  They are both far better homemakers than I am and are even learning to sew.  :)

I am just a very ADD, disorganized gal who tried so hard to keep it all together but hasn't quite figured it all out.  I am married to Sane Man and he puts up with me, thank goodness!

We all live together in a small house with one bathroom.  Yes, it's crazy, but I wouldn't want it any other way!

1 comment:

  1. Your family sounds like a ton of fun :) Nice to "meet" you :) I look forward to being on the crew together.


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