Hey, so I'm getting somewhere with my goals. I pretty much have this year's school subjects planned and what I am going to use. Because I'm down to just two kids, I am going to pretty much do the same thing with both of them together, and they will work independently on the rest.
For math, Bear will continue with Khan Academy. She loves it. She is very motivated to work through it and get the points or whatever rewards they offer. Baber will continue with Life of Fred. He's in Beginning Algebra this year.
I ordered the high school grammar review workbook for both students from Queen Homeschool Supply. I love Queen because the books include a fairly short lesson for each day. It's not so much that it's overwhelming, and the kids don't complain. They both have seemed to learn a lot.
In addition to the grammar review, I am going to continue to do read-alouds with them. We do this every year, and I've read quite a few classics over the years. I am also going to have Sarah do the Lightning Lit we reviewed in the spring. Both kids will continue to work on spelling.
They'll be taking Apologia biology at co-op. It's going to be quite a challenge because it starts at 9:00 on Monday morning and is a 45-minute drive. I might hate myself. LOL
I'm still thinking about history. We've done so much I'd like to change it up a bit this year. We'll have to see.
Of course, we'll continue to learn sign language.We've been doing it for years. We use several resources for this from books to DVDs to online classes.
We've done plenty of art over the years, and will continue to do so. I don't really follow a single curriculum because I have so much stuff gathered from over the years. I love when we review art products because it really forces us to do more.
Bear will also be hopefully taking piano classes. The lady we were going to use just told me she may not be taking new students this year. I should find out in a few days.
Of course, life skills around here happens every day. You wouldn't know it to look at my house, though.
Last but not least, we will continue our Bible studies. I really don't like to think of this as school though, as it's part of daily life. I have to admit, however, that we are much more regular with systematic Bible study when we do it together as part of our day.
As much as I love the freedom of summer, I'm glad to get back to a more structured life. I can't believe I am in the final stretch. Only four more years to go. Here's to another school year!